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Ready to elevate your brand? Contact Gifs Media now and let's make it happen!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How big is your marketing team?

Our dynamic marketing team comprises 30 dedicated professionals, each bringing a wealth of expertise and creativity to the table, ready to propel your brand to new heights.

What's your typical cost for a campaign?

Our campaign costs are bespoke, tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of each client's project, ensuring you get the most value and impact from your investment with us.

What certifications does GIFS Media has?

GIFS Media is proud to be recognized as a Facebook Preferred Partner and certified as a Google Partner, showcasing our expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional marketing results within these platforms.

What is the typical timeline for a campaign?

Our campaigns are crafted with a minimum timeline of 6 months, ensuring we have the necessary span to thoroughly develop, execute, and refine our strategies to achieve your marketing goals.

Do you guarantee your marketing results?

We stand confident in our expertise, offering a guarantee of 30-90 sales inquiries, demonstrating our commitment to not just meet but exceed your marketing expectations with tangible results.

Ready to grow your company? Get in touch today!